Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Week of 11/28/2021 - Digital art

This week back after Thanksgiving break was a busy one - 4th graders worked on I-pads to create digital designs using radial and mirror symmetry. I had 2 students share one device so they could help each and problem solve. This lesson was inspired by the tiles present in Islamic architecture where geometric  and organic shapes were combined to create interesting radial designs.


5th graders created a word sculpture - each student picked a word 5 letters or less, drew block letters on paper, cut them and added lines and shapes front and back. They then used paper strips to prop up each letter and arrange letters in an interesting way on a black base. I also had students fill out a reflection page to write something new they learned and something that was challenging for them in this lesson. This lesson was inspired by artist Jaume Plensa who combines letters from different languages in interesting ways. One of his sculptures titled "Source" is right here in downtown San Diego!



On Friday, visiting artist Michelle Montjoy brought 2 circle looms to work on looping with 5th grade students. We used the t-shirt yarn we got ready during Thanksgiving break. Students worked in groups of 4 to loop the yarn around the pegs. They also used their Chromebooks to take photos of something interesting of the loom, yarn or the looped yarn. Students completed the lesson by working on a written piece. This was a fantastic day and I can't wait to hang up the finished installation in our school library! A BIG thank you to Michelle for coming and spending the day with us!



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Weeks 9/2/2024 and 9/9/2024 - 4th and 5th grades

 4th and 5th grades had their 1st art rotation this week! 4th graders looked at the works of artist Jaume Plensa and engaged in a turn and t...