Sunday, June 23, 2024

Weeks of 5/27/24 and 6/1/24

 I am San Diego project

4th and 5th graders returned for their last rotation - our VAPA resource teacher for visual art Cat Phillips came to  my class to introduce the I am San Diego lesson which will be installed in 30 bus stops around the city from various schools in our district.

Students first wrote 5 things that makes San Diego feel like home to them. They then added lines to using Google drawing, created patterns, movement using a variety of lines varying in thickness and added drawings of things they wrote in their list. Here is a video and photos of student works!

 UTK-3rd graders created their works on paper using black Sharpies of different thicknesses.

 I am excited to see their works at bus stops around the city in August! 

5th graders also received their back pack name tags they had designed - I have been printing these for 150+ hours and was happy to give it to my students! 

          It’s been really nice to see them walk in school with these hanging off their backpacks!


This is my last blog of the school year - have a great summer everyone!


Celebration of Art and legacy mural

 Celebration of Art 2024 was a big success!! We had several members of our community attend this awesome event! The school was buzzing with chatter from students, families and staff. This year we had student ambassadors who greeted families at the gate and handed out scavenger hunt cards (differentiated for grades UTK-2 and 3-5). Each ambassador received a personalized badge they wore for this purpose.

The auditorium was transformed with beautiful artwork from students! We had an artwalk where each class displayed artwork from their class on the wooden panels in the south campus. There were multiple food trucks, a cake walk and art activities for students! Here are some photos from the event.

 The week after this amazing event 5th graders started on their legacy mural. Our theme this year was California Wildflowers and my 3rd year facilitating one.

Each 5th grader designed a flower digitally/ on paper, 4 students from each class created a final design out of which the final design was picked! 130+ 5th graders painted the mural over 4 days on a wall 9ft. X 28 ft. 


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Week of 5/6/2024 - Last rotation with 2nd and 3rd grades


This week 2nd and 3rd graders returned for their last art class for the school year with me.

2nd graders worked on the element of art color using water colors. I gave each student translucent plastic shapes in primary colors. They held 2 colors at a time against the light to see how 2 primary colors combine to create secondary colors!

Next we drew 5 vases where each overlapped with the one next to it. We also drew the table line with pencil and outlined all with a black Sharpie marker. We painted primary colors inside each vase and mixed 2 primary colors to create secondary colors to paint where vases overlapped.

 3rd graders created mobiles inspired by the works of artist Ruth Asawa. We looked at several of her works and discussed what material she may have used, and how long it would have taken her to create her large scale works. It was beautiful to share the story of how her elementary school teacher inspired her to create art for a competition and how that experience inspired her to become an artist.

Each table had several strips of paper 1"X 12". We practiced folding them in pairs using different techniques after which students arranged them and put them together using double sided tape, glue stick or glue dots! 

Here are some student works.


Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...