Sunday, April 21, 2024

Week of 4/8/2024 - Last rotation with 4ths and 5ths - Part 1

 4th and 5ths returned for their last rotation! This year has been a blur!!

4th graders designed flyers for Celebration of art - this is something I started my 1st year here. I wanted to give students the opportunity to learn how to find images, use a variety of text and learn how to organize information for viewers.

Students searched art related images on Google and inserted them on a blank slide. We added relevant information such as the title of the event - Celebration of Art using a large font. We discussed how to align the text, change color and look for/ use a variety of fonts.

Students added day, date and time followed by our school added and a quote/ message if they wanted to. There were so many great designs and I picked the below to send to our families, staff and guests.


5th graders returned to create designs for our legacy mural. Our theme this year is California Wildflowers. I gave students photos of a variety of flowers to look at and had them create pencil sketches of 8-12 flowers. Once done, students used the Sketchpad website to create a color drawing of one or more flowers. We talked about the different tools available on Sketchpad before students were given time to work on their art. Each student uploaded their work on Google Classroom. A few students requested to work on paper and submitted their work to me. I will pick 3-4 best works from each of the 4 5th grade classes so we can have 4 final designs to pick from. It's going to be a tough decision with SO many beautiful works!

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Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...