Sunday, February 25, 2024

Week of 2/20/24 - 4th and 5th graders - Part 2

 4th graders started on a digital motif lesson inspired by the Bauhaus school of design! We had a class discussion on the works of artist Anni Albers - we talked about repetition how the artwork had flat bold colors


We used Google slides to create a blank presentation, name our presentation with first +last name and room #. We then created 2 squared text boxes and added 3 shapes and filled them with color to create 2 motifs. I encouraged students to vary the size of their shapes and use overlapping to create interest. We used a contrasting color for each square. I showed students how to select both squares by dragging their computer mouse and selecting them using Ctrl C and pasting them using Ctrl V to drag their motifs to create repetition in their pattern. Students uploaded their work on Google Classroom to complete their works. Here are student works!

5th Grade students returned to finish their weaving works and finish designing their key chain on Tinkercad. Students that completed their weaving had the option to use contrasting color yarn to add embroidery or knots to their work! We looked at the design on Tinkercad we had so far and I went over a checklist to make sure students named their files, added all letters to their name with the circle for the d-ring, varied the height of each letter and that every character was on the work plane and not above or below. I am so excited to start printing!!!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Week of 2/12/24 - 4th and 5th graders - Part 1

 4th and 5th graders returned this week!

4th graders completed their weaving artworks we started last rotation. I gave them the option to use plastic needles to complete works which several students gladly used, It was also nice to see them help each other create knots to add new pieces of yarn to continue work.

5th graders created clay coil + pinch pots! This is the first time I am trying out this project - I chose to have students first create a pinch pot after creating a sphere out of the clay I gave each of them. I reminded students to have damp hands using the spray bottles I had for them to share at each table so their clay wouldn't dry out. After creating a pinch pot, students used the small chunks of clay I had at every table to create a small sphere and roll it with their fingers to create coils that they attached with the score and slip method to build layers. I gave students rulers to have them add coils so their final pots would be close to 6 inches tall. Students added textures to the pinch pot part and left their coils blank. They wrote their name and room # with a pencil to complete their work.

Week of 2/05/24 - 2nd and 3rd graders - Part 2

2nd graders returned to finish their Pacita Abad inspired artworks. Since the artist used a variety of materials like yarn, buttons and sequins in her work, I gave students similar materials including metallic markers and foam pieces to have them look at their patterns from the week before and create them inside each of their sections they colored the previous week. I love the variety of colors, patterns and materials in students' works!

 3rd graders created clay cupcakes incorporating a pinch technique for the liner and a coil technique for the frosting. I had last years group create these for the first time and had this year's group requesting the same. I now have close to 150 pieces drying waiting to be fired over the next 2 weeks. We will use glossy acrylic paint to finish pieces once fired!


Week of 1/29/24 - 2nd and 3rd graders - Part 1

 2nd and 3rd graders returned this week for another 2 week rotation!

2nd graders started on a lesson inspired by Filipino artist Pacita Abad. We first worked on a quick write while looking at one of her works and it made me so joyful to see students use the words that we use regularly in class! Literacy in art is important! 

As I introduced the artist and talked about her many works, there were several students that shared "I'm Filipino too"! It is so important for students to see themselves in the art and artists we work on - representation matters.

Students also created 15 patterns incorporating lines and shapes that they would use in their final work. I had 11" X 14" canvases for each student to use. Each student used pencil to divide the space up into sections using vertical and horizontal lines and started coloring each section with paint sticks to continue works next class.

3rd graders looked at the works of artist Halima Cassell, a UK based artist who creates large clay sculptures. We looked at how her works have symmetrical and asymmetrical balance and had a class discussion. Each student folded paper in several ways and arranged them on a 12" black card stock to create a work incorporating symmetry. They also used metallic markers to add lines and shapes to maintain the symmetry.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Week of 1/22/24 - UTK, Kindergarten and 1st grade Part 2

 UTK students returned to complete gluing paper on their works to complete their mosaic heart. I punched holes along the edge and taped a long piece of ribbon to each work. On the other end, I used tape around the edge to create a needle that students could use to lace the holes to complete their work!


 Kinders and 1st graders looked at a variety of still life works by different artists and we discussed what makes a still life? We compared and contrasted the works of Nicole Dye, Paul Cezanne and Pablo Picasso.

Kinders created a table line on their paper and created line patterns on a rectangle. They folded the sides, added glue and curved it to add to their paper. They also used paper strips as handles to create a still life of a coffee mug. We added polyfill for steam to complete works!


I differentiated the above lesson for 1st graders by having them create patterns in the background and also creating a fruit next to their mug using an oil pastel!


Week of 1/15/24 - UTK, Kindergarten and 1st grade Part 1

 UTK and kinders looked at the heart artworks of artists of Jim Dine, James Goldcrown, Romero Britto and Chris Uphues and we had a class discussion about what was same and different. It is always interesting to hear what every class has to say and at this point in the school year even those students that have been quiet start speaking up to share their observations which is just precious!!

UTK students traced a giant heart on to a piece of white poster board with pencil, outlined it with a black Sharpie and cut construction/ paper into small pieces to glue them inside the heart to create a mosaic effect. Most students filled half their heart with paper pieces and I saved their works to continue next class.

For kindergarten, I traced lines using pencil on a 12"x12" black card stock so it was divided into 4 boxes. I gave each student a small heart template that they used to create a heart inside each of the 4 boxes using a pencil. We used a different media inside each of the 4 hearts - first with oil pastels to create a face, 2nd with paper pieces to create a mosaic, 3rd with yarn and 4th with paint + cotton swabs outside the 4th heart!

  1st graders created clay monsters - each student first created a pinch pot by making a sphere out of the clay I gave them. We used the heel of our palm to make the pointy parts of the clay smooth and then rolled it on the moist canvas to create a rounded surface. We then made a hole by pushing our thumb in and pinching and turning and repeating this until it became uniform. We then turned the pinch pot sideways which would be the opening of mouth. Students then added details like teeth, eyes, eyebrows, nose and horns using the slip and score technique and added textures to complete their works.

I can't wait to fire these and have students paint!


Week of 1/3/24 and 1/8/24 - 4th and 5th graders

 How is it 2024 already?!! We started school in the New Year on Wednesday, 1/3/24 and I rearranged our 4th and 5th grade schedules a bit differently to accommodate all classes equitably!

4th and 5th graders started on their cardboard loom lesson - this is one of my favorite lessons because I get to talk about textiles!! 

I start the class by having students look at pieces of fabric, their jackets, pants and shoe laces through a magnifying glass. We talk about the yarn they notice and how they appear criss-cross on certain fabrics and diagonal on other fabrics. I introduce the words, loom, warp, weft, yarn and textiles/ cloth/fabric. I share my Saree from India and discuss how this is handwoven while most fabric these days including the clothes they are wearing is woven using machines.

We then look at weaving videos from different parts of the world - Ghana, India and Mexico and it's always nice to see students share how they have seen textiles like the ones shown or have seen them elsewhere.

 I give each student a cardboard loom with a long piece of pre-measured yarn. I show them how to tape one end of the yarn to the back and use this as the warp by going through the notches. Once done they tape the other end so their loom is ready. I have shorter pieces of yarn available at each table and we first practice how to tie knots as this is integral to the weaving process. I show students how to add the weft by going over and under from one side to the other, make a U turn and repeat until they have a small piece left that they can tie to a new piece of weft and continue the process. I remind them also to use forks or their fingers to pack the yarn close together without too many gaps between the warp strings.

Most students were able to add 4-5 pieces of weft to their work.


5th returned to start work on our 3D printing design for their 45 minutes class. This year they will be creating name key chains. I set up classes on the Tinkercad website and tested out a few samples during the holidays so I could have an idea as to what problems students could potentially run into while designing theirs. Each class came in with their Chromebooks and I provided them with mouses to make it easier for them. We practiced first logging into their Tinkercad classroom, learning the various terms such as practicing the different tools such as  work plane, undo, redo buttons, looking for basic shapes, rotation button among many others. Students dragged the letters of their name onto the work plane such that each letter was 5mm tall. I also gave them the website name, user ID and nickname on a piece of paper they could tape to their Chromebook so they will be able to practice at home. We will continue this next class.

Zamorano received a generous grant from the New Children's Museum to have a circular loom for our school and have artist Michelle Montjoy work with all 5th grade students on a looping project. We also had teaching artists from NCM come to assist Michelle. We had a fantastic day with students working on the looms and creating looping using t-shirt yarn. We will continue this work during our rotations with 5th graders over the new few weeks.


Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...