Sunday, November 19, 2023

Week of 11/06/23 - UTK, K and 1st grade - Color!

 UTK, K and 1st graders worked on color this week!

I used the book "Little Blue Little Yellow" by Leo Leonni and had a class discussion with UTK and kinders about what they thought the book was about just by looking at the front cover. It was interesting to hear their answers as they were being "investigators" and giving me answers based on clues they saw on the front cover. This story is great to introduce color theory to 4-6 year olds!

I gave all students transparent shapes in red, yellow and blue. We held 2 colors against the light at a time to see what color it was making. I introduced the word "primary colors" and secondary colors".  

UTK students traced 6 shapes using pencil using the ones from the above activity. They traced each with black Sharpie and added line patterns around the shapes. I gave each student a paper plate with tempera paint in primary colors. They used a different colors in each of the 3 shapes. I then added a different primary color to each primary color already in the plate that students mixed to create secondary colors that they painted into the remaining 3 shapes to complete their works.

Red+Yellow = Orange

Yellow+Blue = Green

Blue+Red = Purple

 Kinders engaged in the same activity as UTK  students but worked on a different lesson. They create vertical and horizontal lines on their paper and traced then with black Sharpie marker. They added lines patterns to some of them and then used primary colors to paint inside 4-5 boxes per color, mixed paint to create secondary colors and paint them inside 4-5 boxes per color.

1st graders used the book "Mouse Paint" by Ellen Stoll Walsh as their inspiration and created ladybugs. They used circular lids to create 3 ladybug bodies, added wings, branches and leaves with pencil first and then black Sharpie marker. Each student painted a primary color on each wing and the corresponding secondary color in the middle.

 I loved the reaction from students in each grade level as they mixed 2 primary colors to create the secondary color - it was magical and filled with joy!!

Week of 10/30/23 - 5th grade Donuts and 4th grade glue Batik bugs Part 2

5th grade students returned to paint over their donuts with acrylic paint. I demonstrated how to use a thick and thin brushes depending upon where they need to paint. I explained that acrylic paints are great for their bold colors, ability to dry quick and stay smooth without cracking. I bought surgical robes for students to wear so they wouldn't get the paint on their clothes and this worked out perfectly!! I highly encourage getting these  for 4th and 5th graders as they cover their body and arms unlike traditional aprons!

I had students use brown acrylic paint for their base first, attach 3 push pins to this side to from a "stand" so it wouldn't stick to their paper plate. This way they could paint the top while the base was still drying :)

Here are the different donuts - realistic enough to eat!!


4th graders came back to paint acrylic paint over their batik bugs. I explained to them the same information as the 5th graders. The acrylic paint I gave them was a bit watery and not straight from the bottle just so they wouldn't be too stiff after washing. I reminded students to use a variety of colors, paint over the glue, over their names on the handkerchief and under the tape. I took close to 160 painted pieces to the laundromat to wash and ironed each of them before giving them back to students!! Here are examples of finished works.


Week of 10/23/23 - 5th grade Donuts and 4th grade glue Batik bugs Part 1

 4th and 5th graders returned and we started on a 2 week project!

5th graders looked at the works of artist Jae Yong Kim and engaged in a Turn and Talk before moving on to a class discussion. I like how this gives them the confidence to share with one person before sharing with the entire class. Students observed how the artist uses a variety of colors, patterns and shapes in his work. I even showed them a video where the artist explains his process and that in spite of using many, many colors he is actually color blind!



 Students used 3 pieces of paper that they crushed, taped and shaped into a circular shape. We used white masking tape to cover their entire donut to prepare as a base for the next step. Once done, we then used plaster bandage strips dipped in water to cover their work and let it dry until the next class.

4th grade students started work on their glue Batik bugs. We looked at the below photo and students engaged in a Turn and talk followed by a class discussion. We talked about how the hot wax acts a a resist and that we will be using glue instead of this traditional medium.

Students sketched 3 different bugs from the options in the photo below. They picked one to use in their final work and drew it big on a 8.5"x11" white copy paper using pencil first and then a black Sharpie marker. They taped their drawing to a piece of construction paper, taped a wax paper over this and finally taped a white 11" square white handkerchief and traced their drawing with white glue to let it dry until the next class.


Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...