Monday, September 4, 2023

Week of 8/28/23 - First rotation with 2nd and 3rd grade

2nd and 3rd grade students started their first rotation with me for this school year.Our classes this year are an hour instead of the hour 5 min. like last year. This is so that it is easier to schedule make ups which work better with a 60 minute class. Also, 3rd grade students receive an additional 45 min. of class this rotation and this will be changed later on to just those that have more than 24 students in their class.

Alright, the 2 grades started on the self-portraits as the first lesson for the school year. There is just something interesting, exciting, fun and challenging drawing yourself while looking in the mirror and adding text that is unique to you!

I read the book "Be You" to 2nd grade - I LOVE the adjective Peter H Reynolds has incorporated in the book. I also like that there are several similarities between the phrases such as "Be Curious", "Be Persistent" that I can remind students to use in the art class!! Once we read this book, I had students circle 5-6 adjective they would use to describe themselves. There were a total of 30 adjectives that I read aloud one at a time and discussed the meaning. I explained that they would incorporate their adjectives in the self-portrait when done drawing.

Once done students, started on their self-portrait on a 9"x12" water color paper. We all started with a large oval, drawing very light with pencil. We then drew a horizontal line across the oval, drew eyes, eyebrows, nose, ears and mouth. Students observed their hair and added that and their next as the final step. There were a few minutes left where students wrote their adjectives around their self-portrait.

 3rd graders looked at the work Synecdoche by artist Byron Kim. We engaged in a Turn and Talk where each student shared with their partner what they saw and wondered. We followed up with a class discussion and I asked students why did the artist create this artwork? What was the purpose? I received so many wonderful answers from students and I love that they are thinking of the artist's goal behind creating a work. Students filled out a survey that I let them know they will incorporate into their self portrait.

We created self-portrait drawings on watercolor paper - I had students create an egg shape for their head instead of an oval (differentiating for 3rd grade). We followed the same steps as I did for 2nd grade students. I realized I didn't take any picture of works in progress!

We will outline with black Sharpie, match skin color from the 24 crayon skin tone set, add text and use watercolors for the background next week.

I have an exciting idea this year for the frames and will update once done! 😃


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Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

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