Friday, June 9, 2023

Week of 6/5/2023 - Last rotation with 4th and 5th grade

 Wow, final rotation for the school year!

4th graders created  tape art inspired by the group Tape Art from Rhode Island I had the privilege of seeing when I attended the NAEA conference in San Antonio in April. We had a class discussion of this group's works and students had the option to pick a mushroom or bug to create on their 18"x24" paper.  I encouraged students to draw their image BIG so it would take up most of the room on the paper. We first practiced using tape in a variety of ways to create texture after which they used tape on their image. I had students work on the table, floor and carpet so they would have room to work!


Mystery bag challenge for 5th graders! I put a collection of materials (wooden blocks, foil, pipe cleaners, felt, cardboard pieces etc.) in brown bags for students to open and create with. It was fun to see what they each came up with!


I also engaged students in a Google Jamboard activity to get their feedback on the art lessons I implemented with them this year. I love Jamboard because it lets everyone post at the same time and everybody can read what everyone else is posting at the same time.It was wonderful to get their feedback which will help me modify lessons for the upcoming school year!
 My favorite is students writing advice for the incoming 4th graders! 

Finally, Chess pieces are ALMOST done and I can't wait to give it to the 5th grade students next week before their promotion! What a great learning experience for the students and myself creating these pieces! 126 pieces printed over 4 months :)

 Until next school year! 😊


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