Friday, June 9, 2023

Week of 6/5/2023 - Last rotation with 4th and 5th grade

 Wow, final rotation for the school year!

4th graders created  tape art inspired by the group Tape Art from Rhode Island I had the privilege of seeing when I attended the NAEA conference in San Antonio in April. We had a class discussion of this group's works and students had the option to pick a mushroom or bug to create on their 18"x24" paper.  I encouraged students to draw their image BIG so it would take up most of the room on the paper. We first practiced using tape in a variety of ways to create texture after which they used tape on their image. I had students work on the table, floor and carpet so they would have room to work!


Mystery bag challenge for 5th graders! I put a collection of materials (wooden blocks, foil, pipe cleaners, felt, cardboard pieces etc.) in brown bags for students to open and create with. It was fun to see what they each came up with!


I also engaged students in a Google Jamboard activity to get their feedback on the art lessons I implemented with them this year. I love Jamboard because it lets everyone post at the same time and everybody can read what everyone else is posting at the same time.It was wonderful to get their feedback which will help me modify lessons for the upcoming school year!
 My favorite is students writing advice for the incoming 4th graders! 

Finally, Chess pieces are ALMOST done and I can't wait to give it to the 5th grade students next week before their promotion! What a great learning experience for the students and myself creating these pieces! 126 pieces printed over 4 months :)

 Until next school year! 😊


Week of 5/29/2023 - 5th Grade legacy mural

 Mural time!!

 5th graders had created mural design back in April using Sketchpad on their Chromebooks. The final mural design for the legacy mural below was colorful, bright and had a positive quote! I traced the design Memorial day weekend using a thick Sharpie marker on the wall and we were ready to go starting Tuesday, 5/30/23. I also like to tape color copies of the design on the wall so students know what part they are painting and what it's supposed to look like.

Since we have 4 5th grade classes this year, I assigned groups of 7-8 students so I could cover all 4 classes over the 4 days. One thing that was tricky this year was the uneven surface in front of the wall - I had move the ladders multiple time to make sure it was stable unlike the flat, concrete surface for last year's mural. Since the mural was directly across one of our 1st grade classrooms, it was lovely to see students ask everyday if the mural was done and cheer the 5th graders on :)

See photos below for progress made from start to finish.  


Week of 5/22/2023 - Last rotation with 2nd and 3rd grade - Hats!

 2nd and 3rd graders returned for their last rotation for this school year!

We looked at the works of Hawaiian artist moses who cut, folded and twisted paper bags from grocery bags to create the most amazing hats! His works were donated to the Mingei museum in Balboa park in San Diego and I had the opportunity to see this exhibit last summer. We had a class discussion about his works and I let students know that materials for art don't have to expensive and that works can be created out of something simple like paper bags or paper!!

 I used paper bags with one class and switched to rectangle pieces of paper with the other classes since the store was out of large paper bags. Students used tin foil, paint sticks and construction paper to create hats for themselves that they wore and looked at using mirrors at their table.

 Such a nice variety of works!!




Week of 5/15/2023 - Celebration of art 2023

 Zamorano's Celebration of art was a beautiful event with a great turnout!! 5 days to get 2500+ artworks into the auditorium to create a magical space to show our community how amazing our student artists are!!

 Food trucks, cake walk and art activities hosted by each grade level was a huge hit!


Week of 5/8/2023 - Last rotation with UTK, K and 1st grade

 This week I saw UTK, Kinder and 1st grade students for the last rotation for the year!

UTK students created works inspired by the book "The Mixed Up Alphabet" by Steve Metzger. We read the book and discussed what would happen if the alphabets got mixed up and not in order. How would we sing the alphabet song? Students picked 8 foam letters in uppercase,  and glued them on their paper as they wished to, added a face, arms, legs and hats to each and used color pencils to color the background in different colors. They also added letters in lowercase using a chisel tip black Sharpie marker - oh the joy of introducing a "thick" Sharpie to 4 year olds!!!

Kindergarten students created a mixed media ice cream cone using how many ever scoops they wanted! Triangle for the cone with several organic shapes and colors for the scoops!!


1st Grade students created a color monster inspired by the book " Color Monsters" by Anna Llenas. We looked at what colors are used for what emotions. Students picked an emotion, created their own monster using a color they felt best suited their monster. 


Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...