Sunday, April 23, 2023

Week of 4/17/2023 - Going digital with 4ths and 5ths

 4th graders created flyers for our upcoming Celebration of Art event. We looked at examples of different flyers and discussed which worked better and why. We talked about the need for images being sharp, without shadows, text being in a font that was easy to read and the information a flyer needed to have - title, address, day, date, time and possibly an additional sentence. 

We used Google slides to create the flyer using text boxes, changing font type, size, color and alignment. I showed students how to insert images and move them around and use colors that were appealing. There is so much variety in how each student approached this lesson. One flyer will be picked to be sent to families, teachers and our community partners.


5th graders started designing the legacy mural.This year we are using artist Lynn Giunta as our inspiration.

The prompt was to create a positive quote and combine it with bold, vibrant images that spark joy! We looked at how Lynn added components to her letters to make them interesting. I gave each student a planning sheet where we drew 12 images together for students to use in their work. They created 4 more individual ones by looking at Lynn's works. We used Sketchpad on Chromebook to first explore the different tools and features. Students then created their quote, adding patterns to letters and varying line width to create interest.
We will continue working on this next class.



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Week of 12/16/2024 - 4th and 5th grades

 4th graders returned this week to create digital motifs ! We looked at the works of Bauhaus artist Anni Albers and noticed how she had crea...