Saturday, February 11, 2023

Week of 2/6/2023 - Printmaking and clay with 2nd and 3rd grade

 2nd graders worked on collagraph printmaking!

We looked at the prints of artist Faviana Rodriguez and had a discussion of how the artist could make multiple works that look exactly the same! Students came up with ideas on how this could be achieved - the artist used a copy machine, she was so good at art that she could create the same art over and over!

Each student cut foam pieces, arranged and glued them on a piece of cardboard. They then used a brayer to roll printmaking ink over the pieces and pressed a piece of printed paper to create a print. Students looked at their first print, discussed what worked/ didn't work for them and created a second print.


3rd grade created a clay cupcake using a combination of pinching for the lining and coiling for the frosting! There was high engagement with this lesson and I can't wait to fire these for students to paint on.

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Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...