Sunday, December 4, 2022

Week of 11/28/22 - UTK, K and 1st grade

 Is this really the last week of November!!? I can't believe how fast the weeks are going by!

 Inspired by the book"Not a Stick" by Antoinette Portis, UTK students changed a paint stick into something new by adding paper, yarn and fabric! This book is great in sparking kids imagination and having them really think! I showed students several examples of what the stick could be changed into and encouraged them to come up with something unique!

Kinder students created Dhurries inspired by rugs handwoven in India and Pakistan. We looked at examples of Dhurries, talked about how they are created by an actual person on a loom and not by machines. We looked at the book "The Goat in the Rug" by Geraldine which talks about the process of weaving a rug from scratch to finish. Students first created lines with pencil, traced them with paint sticks, added shape patterns and glued yarn strips after measuring and cutting them. Here are some examples!

1st grade students used yarn to create Huichol art inspired by the art from Mexico. We looked at several examples and had a class discussion about what we notice and wonder. We looked at the book "The Journey of Tunuri and the Blue Deer" by James Endredy where all the illustrations are created Huichol style. I have 6 1st grade classes - each class created a different image that they filled with yarn. I love how bright and colorful the works are!


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Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...