Sunday, September 18, 2022

Week of 9/5/2022 - Self Portraits with 2nd and 3rd graders

 I began our first art rotation this week with 2nd and 3rd graders! It takes me a few weeks to get used to seeing the students in their new grades :)

2nd grade stduents looked at the content and pictures in the book "Just Ask" written by Sonia Sotomayor and illustrated by Rafael Lopez. They followed up by circling words on a paper that had adjectives to describe themselves. Students looked in a mirror and followed along with step by step directions on how to create their self portrait. They outlined their drawing and wrote the adjectives with a black Sharpie, matched their skin color to the Crayola skin color set and added watercolors to the background.

I had the opportunity to meet the brilliant Rafael Lopez in person, listen to him speak and watch his demo on how he simplifies images to create his abstract versions. I can't wait to show my students the below photos! 

2nd grade student working on self portrait!


Inspired by the work “Synecdoche” by artist Byron Kim, 3rd grade students started their first rotation creating self portraits. 



Students drew themselves, observed their skin color in a mirror and matched it to the 20 piece skin color set. They added colors to their hair, eyes, lips and watercolors to the background. 

Students were given a  survey that they used as a scaffold to add text with black Sharpie.   


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