Sunday, May 8, 2022

Week of 4/17/2022 - Color mixing and cityscapes

2nd grade students learned about color mixing this week. I first distributed plastic shapes in primary colors. We overlapped two colors at a time and held them against light. Students observed that twp primary colors change into a secondary color. 

They then created a variety of vases using overlapping by looking at the examples I brought from home. Students drew the vase with pencil first and traced them with black Sharpie markers. 

They used primary colors in watercolors to paint them and mixed two primary colors to create secondary colors where the vases overlapped. Students enjoyed seeing how the secondary colors emerged and described the process as "satisfying" :)

3rd grade students created cityscapes inspired b the works of artist Andy Burgess. We looked at his works and students engaged in a class discussion about what they observed - use of geometric shapes, variety of colors and tall buildings. 

They then proceeded to create water in the foreground, buildings in the middle ground and the sky in the background. Students had the option to rip paper with their finger or cut paper using scissors. They glued their paper to complete their works and added details like windows, doors and names for their buildings inspired by what they have seen in San Diego.


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Week of 12/16/2024 - 4th and 5th grades

 4th graders returned this week to create digital motifs ! We looked at the works of Bauhaus artist Anni Albers and noticed how she had crea...