Sunday, October 24, 2021

Week of 10/17/2021 - 1st class with kinders and 1st graders!

This was my first week with kinders and 1st graders - their classroom teachers usually wait for them to get settled before they can start art. It was great seeing them this week!

I focused on a fall theme for both grades - kinders created fall leaves with line patterns and used red, orange and yellow liquid watercolors. 1st graders created pumpkins with line patterns and water colors.

Below is the process :-  

Students looked at a photo of fall leaves as a "hook" and responded to what they saw. We had a class discussion about the leaves and students shared where they have seen fall leaves! It is always wonderful to hear students tell stories/ experiences to make connections with learning.  

We first created a scaffold of ten different lines. I then showed them real fall leaves and  how to create them with diagonal and wavy lines. They traced a black Sharpie marker over the pencil lines.

Students created line patterns with Sharpie and used water colors to paint over.

 Below is the process for 1st grade:-
 Students created the scaffold of lines after responding to an image of pumpkins in different colors and sizes as a "hook". They shared stories of going to the pumpkin patch and the pumpkins they saw thereby making  connections with their life. 
 They create 3 pumpkins - small, medium and large while using overlapping and added shadows.
Next, they filled their pumpkins with line patterns and added watercolors to complete their works.
 Also, Zamorano student artworks are on display at the Skyline Hills and Paradise Hills public library! This will be an ongoing collaboration - there will be different artworks on display each month for the rest of this school year.



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Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...