Saturday, October 9, 2021

Week of 10/03/2021 - Getting to know 4th and 5th graders

 This week, I had my first rotation with 4th and 5th graders!

4th grade students worked on Nate Williams inspired self portraits.



Students responded to his works by sharing what they saw,
created a simple outline for their face,
made a list of words that said something about themselves - I gave them prompts like write 2 words to describe yourself, what are you good at doing?, what do you like to eat, favorite holiday and color.
Students wrote words in block letters by referring to a print out or cursive, colored the words and the background to complete their portraits.

5th graders created personality swirls - students came up with a list of 6 adjectives for themselves, used block letters to fit them inside this world from small to large,
colored them in and created patterns in the empty spaces.



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Weeks 9/2/2024 and 9/9/2024 - 4th and 5th grades

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