Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Week of 12/16/2024 - 4th and 5th grades

 4th graders returned this week to create digital motifs! We looked at the works of Bauhaus artist Anni Albers and noticed how she had created repetition with shapes. We discussed that Bauhaus artists create works that have bright, colorful shapes with repetition. I let students know that we will be creating 2 motifs - each combining 3-4 shapes to create a motif, filling each of the shapes and the background with color and also varying the size of each shape.

Students used Google slides to first name their slide, inserted 2 text boxes and 3-4 shapes of their choice. We then added color, varied the size of each shape to create interest and used Ctrl+C to select the two motifs and Ctrl+V to pastes the motifs over and over again to fill the slide.

This was challenging for some students and it was nice to see some helping others! Students also downloaded their works and uploaded it in my art Google Classroom. Here are student works.

 5th graders returned to create still life works using white Prismacolor pencils. This was a quick 45 minute lesson after which I had students register on the Tinkercad website in preparation for our 3D printing lesson.

I gave each student an 8.5"X11" black cardstock. We first practiced drawing 3 circles, each with a shadow. Then we used a hatching, cross hatching and scribble technique to create highlights and shading. I picked a different object for each of the five fifth grade classes and we drew the object on the paper with a graphite pencil. We used a broken outline and a technique of our choice for the highlights and shading to complete our work.


Once done with this, I guided students on how to log on to their Tinkercad account. The website is similar to Google Classroom and I had entered all student names and nicknames (student first name and class #). Tinkercad has an amazing feature where it generates this information along with the class code that can be printed and distributed to every student so they can stick on their Chromebook. We practiced using several tools for 20-25 minutes such as dragging forms on the work plane, stacking them, changing the height and size, zooming in and out so students will feel confident designing when we come back in the new year!


Week of 12/9/2024 - 4th and 5th grades

 4th graders worked on their printmaking lesson this week. I created the below sample for students to see and we had a class discussion on what we notice, wonder and what materials were used to create this work. Students shared that the black design in the center was repeated and that there was a pattern of warm and cool colors among many other things.


I introduced the words printmaking and rotational symmetry to students. I explained that we would be creating a design with foam on cardboard and that we would rotate the cardboard to achieve rotational symmetry in our works. 

I gave each student a 6" piece of cardboard and a small piece of foam with a sticky back. Each student drew 4-5 organic or geometric shapes on the foam. I reminded them to make sure their shapes weren't too close together, too small or too big. We cut the shapes, arranged them on the cardboard in different ways. When satisfied with their arrangement, each student cut and removed the adhesive backing on each piece and stuck the shapes on their cardboard. I also had students draw a black dot on one of the corners to know how they could rotate their cardboard to create the rotational symmetry.

Each student was also given  a 12" white cardstock with 2 pencil lines that I had drawn to divide the paper into 4 squares. We used warm and cool color paint sticks to color these squares.

Once done, students worked in groups of three to roll black ink on their brayer and make their first print with the black dot on the spot where the 2 pencil lines criss-crossed. They rolled ink on their brayer and foam 3 more times, aligned the black dot to the center to create 3 more prints and compete their works.

5th graders started their design for the legacy mural. This year we will paint the mural during the last week of February instead of waiting until May like we have done in the past. This way 5th graders can enjoy seeing their work for 3 months while they are still at school!

The artist we looked at for inspiration this year is Lisa Congdon. We looked at her works to see how she created symbols, used bright colors and positive text! I had students create a mind map on copy paper. They responded to the prompt "What are your favorite things about Zamorano?" Students came up with 6-8 words like art, library, math, recess, field trips, safety patrol among others. 

Once done, they created symbols for each word by first going on the Google website and searching for a clipart of their word. They also learned how to refine their search by using words like "simple", "outline" and "black and white". They drew their symbol with pencil next to the word on their mind map. Once they were done they had the option to use the website Sketchpad or Chrome Canvas to create one or more symbols. We looked at the tools on each website and practiced them together as a class before students worked on their own. Students also had the option to create their symbol on paper if they wished to. Here are some examples. The best symbols will be picked and put together to create our final design. Stay tuned!!


Week of 12/02/2024 - 2nd and 3rd grades

 This week 2nd grade students returned for a lesson of printmaking. I gave each student 5.5" X 4.25" piece of cardboard and a small piece of foam with a sticky back. Each student drew 4-5 organic or geometric shapes on the foam. I reminded them to make sure their shapes weren't too close together, too small or too big. We cut the shapes, arranged them on the cardboard in different ways. When satisfied with their arrangement, each student cut and removed the adhesive backing on each piece and stuck the shapes on their cardboard.


Students then created line patterns on a piece of 8.5"X 11" white card stock with black Sharpie markers. I had created one vertical and one horizontal line to divide the paper into 4 rectangles for each student with pencil. Students created different line patterns inside each.

Students worked in pairs to roll a brayer into the printmaking ink, on their foam pieces and press the cardboard to create a print inside each rectangle on their white cardstock.


3rd graders returned to complete their weaving work. We added more paper strips (weft) and glued the ends. Students drew their 2 motifs on the 2 colors of their paper weaving to complete their works.

Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...