Sunday, October 23, 2022

Arts around the world - 10/19/2022

 Zamorano's arts around the world was back after 3 long years!! Our committee of teachers and their teams worked hard putting together a great event. Our campus buzzed with excitement, chatter, laughter, classrooms were packed with families engaged in the different art activities, we had food trucks and an Indian dance performance to end the evening!!

 Photos from the event below!


Week of 10/17/2022 - Value with 2nd and 3rd grade

 2nd and 3rd graders started their 2nd rotation this week!

We looked at postage stamps with 3rd grade - pair share and class discussion on how every stamp has numbers written on each, the currency and the name of the country. Each student picked a country, currency and a number for their stamp. We used watercolor paper to create a landscape with pencil. Students used one color for their stamp and I gave them white tempera paint to add tints to add to each area of their landscape. It was a great experience for them to practice mixing, paint the tints and compare them to the previous ones to see how the addition of white changes the color. We will continue next week to add details to finish the stamps.

2nd grade students created art inspired by artist Jeff Koons. We first looked at his works, noticed how he combined shapes, used one color that looked light and dark depending upon where light was coming from and how large his pieces were! Students first drew the balloon dog using pencil, used oil pastel in one color and added white to create tints in their work. I showed students photos of Downtown San Diego, Belmont park, Sea World and Torrey pines beach and they each picked one place to create a scene for their balloon dog.


Week of 10/10/2022 - UTK, K and 1st grade fall art

 UTK, Kinders and 1st grade students came back for week 2 of art. We created fall themed art using the element of art - line.

UTK students drew their hand with pencil on watercolor paper and traced it with a black Sharpie marker. I am so glad one of their teachers comes to my class to assist me with students. We made sure their fingers were spread out so they looked like branches when they traced. We then added curved lines around the branches, filled them with lines and added color with crayons. Blue watercolor for the background to finish works!

 Kinders practiced lines on black paper with metallic markers - I love watching their excitement as they use the different metallic colors!!  We used color card stock paper to create different leaves, fill them with lines and glued them on the other side of the black paper. Students filled the empty black spaces with more lines - great practice drawing and understanding lines. 


After practicing drawing different leaves, 1st graders created leaves with pencil, traced them with black Sharpie and added line patterns. We used bleeding tissue squares in warm colors inside the leaves and in cool colors outside the leaves. It was fascinating for them to watch how the tissue paper when mixed with water gave out color on to the paper. One student's work will be displayed at the Urban Collective conference in downtown San Diego next week!



Saturday, October 8, 2022

Week of 10/03/2022 - UTK, K and 1st grade self portraits

I finally got to see the students from UTK, K and 1st grade this week! The UTK students bring back lovely memories from when I taught preschool to the 4 year olds!!

 The common theme this week was self portraits and it was exciting to see how I could differentiate it for the 3 levels.

UTK students created self portraits inspired by the style of Todd Parr. We read his book "Be Who You Are" which talks about being unique and accepting yourself for who you are. His illustrations are characterized by flat, bold colors. I had traced a pencil circle on each canvas for students to use as a starting point. Students created a pencil drawing of how they wanted their hair and features, outlined them with a Sharpie and used crayons to color them. I had the chance to do some music and movement with the students at the end of class :)

Kinders created a self portrait inspired by Lego people. We looked at Lego figures and compared them to see how they are different from us. I had yellow rectangles cut from construction paper. Students cut the corners to make them rounded and added features after I showed them several examples of Lego heads with different expressions. We then added colorful hair, body and a frame using black Sharpie marker. Students added color using crayons to complete their work.

1st grade students created their self portraits after looking at the book "I like myself" by Karen Beaumont. Their works were created using a black Sharpie marker on white construction which they cut and glued on a color card stock. They added a frame using colorful strips and drew a scene to complete their works.

Week of 9/26/2022 - 4th and 5th grade - part 2

 4th and 5th graders returned this week to complete their work from the previous week.

 4th graders added watercolors to their Nate Williams self portrait. It took about 20 minutes of the 1hour and 20 minute class. After completing their works, we moved on to the element of art - Line. We practiced drawing 18 different kinds of lines. Students then created a mug with card stock, added line patterns and used paper strips to create unique handles.

Nate Williams inspired self portraits

Mugs with unique handles

5th grade students also finished their Lisa Congdon inspired works and wrote an artist statement to complete this lesson. We then moved on to practicing different kinds of lines and looked at Madhubani art from India. This folk art originated about 2000 years back and is being practiced to this day. We created a fish drawing and students were encouraged to use a variety of line patterns and vary the thickness of lines. We used watercolors to complete works.

 Lisa Congdon inspired works


Madhubani art from India



Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...