Saturday, April 16, 2022

Week of 4/10/2022 - Cakes, Warli art

 Kinders used line, shapes and textures to create relief sculptures of birthday cakes inspired by San Diego cake artist Tara Heather. We looked at how she uses different elements of art to create tiered cakes. I gave students a 9"x12" piece of construction paper and 3 3" strips of paper in 6", 9" and 12". Students used metallic markers and color sticks to create line and shape patterns and customize their cake on the shortest strip using letters, numbers and any element of their choice. We then folded the sides, glued them down and added a table and candles to complete works. I am absolutely in awe of how my kinders embraced this lesson and produced stunning works!

1st graders created Warli art inspired by the Warli tribe of Western India. Warli art was recognized in the 1970s and depict a much simpler life of people and nature using the triangle, square and circle.Humans are created by joining 2 triangles, only 2 colors are used and the picture tells a story! We practiced drawing images in Warli style and students picked the ones they wanted to use to create a scene that tells a story.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Week of 4/3/2022 - K, 1 after spring break

Spring break flew by and it was nice to have the week off to have some down time and prepare for the final stretch - Celebration of art and 5th grade legacy mural in May!

During spring break I had the opportunity to put up works for the K-8 art show hosted by the San Diego Chapter of California Art Education Association (CAEA SD) and sponsored by the San Diego County Office of Education. This show brought together six different school districts in San Diego county - San Diego Unified, Lemon Grove, Cajon Valley, Vista Unified, Dehesa Elementary and San Dieguito Union High School district. It was a wonderful experience chairing this show that will culminate in a reception for students and their families on April 28th.

Kinders this week worked on creating an artwork inspired by the flower fields of Carlsbad. After looking at a photo, they noticed the flowers in different colors and that things that are closer appear bigger and those farther appear smaller. Using this understanding, they created flowers in different sizes and colors with oil pastels and used water colors to create a resist to complete their works. 

1st graders created CA wildflowers inspired by the works of artist of Behnaz Ahmadian.
Students picked a paper color for the table in their art, shape of their vase, placement of their vase, shapes and colors of their flowers and how they wanted to arrange them.
SO many choices!!

         They wrote a spring poem based off the prompts given to them and we came up with different words for the blanks as a class. Students could pick the words they felt best suited their understanding of spring!

Week of 2/17/2025 - UTK, Kinder and 1st grade - Week 1

 This week UTK students created art inspired by "Dhurries" which are rugs from India! We looked at a few examples and had a great ...